HRSePENNTNB funme AUTOMOBIELBEDRIJF SERVICE Welcome Olympiakos! The board of the Amsterdam Football Club Ajax bids the players-, the members of the board- and the supporters a heartly welcome at the Ajax-stadium. Notwithstanding the importance of this European Cup-tie we rely on a match played in an atmosphere of friendship and sportmanslike respect. We also hope our guests from Greece will enjoy the hospitality that distinguishes Amsterdam. May the spirit of good sportmanship win Ton Harmsen president AFC Ajax Uw adres voor: Afstelling Verkoop Reparatie Nieuwe auto's Schadeherstel Occasions ZEEBURGERDIJK 434 - AMSTERDAM - TELEFOON 020-650744/928447


Programmaboekjes (vanaf 1934) | 1986 | | pagina 3