The Amsterdam Tim 'Segregation in Amsterd; Vanaf 19 september iedere week verkrijgbaar Amsterdam beaches Tel. 020 -5849020 Color yo Economy What's hot Contents Holland News Amsterdam Sports Economy Interview Entertainment Real Estate Why the Amsterdam tourist industry is not booming this hot sum- The finest and most entertaining things to do in Amsterdam this weekend The latest news about Ajax and international sport events number 0 P.O. Box 9608911006 EB Amsterdam Newsroom 020 - 410 78 15 j Gay community fears mediocrity, announces nasty Gay Pride Parade AMSTERDAM-The m educated young inhabit ticallv increasing and between the low- and hi in the city is growing.] main conclusions of rd O+S (Research and sJ and the University I (UvA). They see a 1 Amsterdam: only the I South is inhabited by I natives and foreigners! lized countries. I Gay pressure groups are vehe mently opposing a range of muni cipal measures which were recently imposed to counter the expansion of the sexually oriented catering industry. Several gay organisations fear that Amster dam will 'sink into cultural me diocrity' because of the measures and have stated that the next annual Gay Pride Parade will be a protest of sorts by being the 'nastiest' ever. Page 03 O+S, Siswo and the Center for the Metrof (AME) of the University those conclusions in ai Cultural Survey, part 1 dam'. It is a recurring sj every two years to allcl be able to react to the ll the city. The researcherl gap between the low- M the city, which goes <fl goal local politician» achieve the past three I Mayor Job Cohen® office more than twcH keep the pieces togeH seems a mission iiH appear to be radicalli^H "Young, non-nativ^B only get a house A10 belt way," the world of difference in the city center where it comes to^| and the way leisure^B O+S, Siswo and t|^| ge among the yoi^J (n the past years ted people move<^H well-educated ief^| the better house^H Only a small g^H stays in the expei^B SCHIPHOL MAY BECOME FRENCH Schiphol Airport, or Amsterdam Airport as it is also known, may become a company run by the French state. The Amsterdam City Council announ ced that it would have no problems with selling it 's shares in the Dutch airport to Paris once the merger talks between KLM and Air France succeed. Paae 07 POLITICAL ROW OVER NEW MUSIC HALL A war of words between the District Councils of North- and South-East Amsterdam has erupted over the building of a new music hall. Both councils are vying to receive millions in gover nment funding to build the new concert hall which should be able to accommodate 15,000 people. Page 15 It all started here. Two years ago, Technology Museum NEMO was the first to fill the existing void: an artificial beach on top of the ship-like museum. A bold move which put Amsterdam right up there with cities like Barcelona and Paris. Tired after a long day at the office or shopping? No pro blem: just relax with your feet in the water and a cocktail, ice-cream or snack in your hands. This year Amsterdam features at least four beaches. In the western part, near the bungyjump-crane at the Stenen Hoofd, is the Amsterdam Plage. On the other side of the IJ-fairway is the small North Beach, on the sunny side, with a view on the old city center. And on the newly acquired land of IJburg in the eastern part of town lies Blijburg, a superb beach in the middle of a newly built suburb. With slim girls, tattooed and muscled bodies, G- strings and little children armed with superso- akers, spades and buckets. See Page 3


Magazine (1987-2007) | 2003 | | pagina 40