INTERVIEW FOR SOME, IS A NIGHTMARE. Inter/View has more than fifteen years of experience in international research, including hnsiness-to-husiness research, media research. INTERVIEW INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH GATEWAY TO I II ROT*F Different people, different languages. Multiple markets and economies. Myriads of printed media, hundreds of TV-stations. Local habits, methods and products. As a result marketing information is diverse; statistics are not comparable and standards are dissirhilar. For some, this reality is a nightmare. But not for those who use the services of Inter/View International! CENT APP We offer reliable, comparable ma research data across borders, on time and at reasonable costs. Inter/View International accomplish this using centralised multi- country telephone research conducted from Amsterdam, through our CATI facilities (250 positions) using native speaking interviewers in 15 languages. EXPERIENCE consumer research and consulting. We serve more than 50 multi national companies. Our research covers 25 European countries. SERVICES Standardised services include: Euro/ Scanner, centralised weekly consumer telephone omnibus in major European markets: France, Li K, Germany, Italy, Netherlands; EMS, the European Media Marketing Survey, centralised telephone research (with mail follow-up) in 17 countries on TV-viewing and readership. We also offer coordination of face-to-face and qualitative research throughout Europe. If you want to escape from the nightmare, we can help. Call Inter/View International, Overtoom 519-521, 1054 LH Amsterdam, telephone 31-20-607 0707, fax 31-20-6851621. E-mail INTERNATIONAL


Magazine (1987-2007) | 1999 | | pagina 51