INTERVIEW FOR SOME, IS A NIGHTMARE Different people, different languages. Multiple markets and economies. Myriads of" printed media, Hundreds of TV-stations. Local habits, methods and products. As a result marketing information is diverse; statistics j are not comparable and standards are dissimilar. For some, this reality is a nightmare. But not for those who use the services of Inter/View International! CENTRALIZED A R R ROA.C II We offer reliable, comparable market research data across borders, on time and at reasonable costs. Inter/View International accomplish this using centralised multi- country telephone research conducted from Amsterdam, through ourCATI facilities (250 positions) using native speaking interviewers in 15 languages. EXPERIENCE Inter/View has more than fifteen years of experience in international research, including business-to-business research, media research. consumer research and consulting. We serve more than 50 multi national companies. Our research covers 25 European countries. S E RVICES Standardised services include: Euro/ Scanner, centralised weekly consumer telephone omnibus in major European markets: France, EJK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands; EMS, the European Media Marketing Survey, centralised telephone research (with mail follow-up) in 17 countries on TV-viewing and readership. We also offer coordination of face-to-face and qualitative I research throughout Europe. If you want to escape from the nightmare, we can help. Call Inter/View International, Overtoom 519-521, 1054 LH Amsterdam, telephone 31-20-607 0707, fax 31-20-685 16 21. E-mail INTERNATIONAL INTERVIEW INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH Ci ATE WAV TO EI J ROPE


Magazine (1987-2007) | 1998 | | pagina 227