0 Financial year 1995/1996 Land and buildings NLG '000 Machinery and equipment NLG '000 Other fixed assets NLG '000 Total NLG '000 Purchase value June 30, 1995 Additions Disposals 16,368 13,050 (294) 140 21 341 993 (135) 16,849 14,064 (429) June 30, 1996 29,124 161 1,199 30,484 Accumulated depreciation June 30, 1995 Depreciation Accumulated depreciation on disposals (8,548) (1,867) 294 (20) (32) (205) (69) 135 (8,773) (1,968) 429 June 30, 1996 (lO,12l) (52) (139) (10,312) Book value June 30, 1996 19.003 109 1,060 20,172 June 30, 1995 7.820 120 136 8,076 Financial year 1994/1995 Land and buildings NLG '000 Machinery and equipment NLG '000 Other fixed assets NLG 'ooo Total NLG '000 Purchase value June 30, 1994 Additions Disposals 10,641 5.953 (226) 72 101 (33) 334 98 (91) 11,047 6,152 (350) June 30, 1995 16,368 140 341 16,849 Accumulated depreciation June 30, 1994 Depreciation Accumulated depreciation on disposals (6,907) (1,867) 226 (39) (15) 34 (250) (46) 91 (7,196) (1,928) 351 June 30, 1995 (8,548) (20) (205) (8,773) Book value June 30, 1995 7,820 120 136 8,076 June 30, 1994 3,734 33 84 3,851 Buildings include leasehold improvements and interests of occupants which are depreciated over 10 years.


Jaarverslagen Ajax NV (vanaf 1997) | 1998 | | pagina 65