NOTES TO THE PRO FORMA CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Goodwill 1. Intangible fixed assets December 31, 1997 NLG '000 June 30,1997 NLG '000 June 30, 1996 June 30, 1995 NLG '000 NLG '000 Transfer and signing on fees Purchase value Opening balances Additions Disposals 81,229 15,803 (9.027) 34.064 60,548 (13.383) 21,655 14,913 (2,504) 23,252 11,392 (12,989) Closing balances 88,005 81,229 34,064 21,655 Accumulated depreciation Opening balances Depreciation Accumulated Depreciation on (15.479) (10,134) disposals 5,837 (10,720) (10,643) 5.884 (8,216) (5.008) 2,504 (ll.OOl) (6,459) 9,244 Closing balances (19.776) (15.479) (10,720) (8,216) Book value Closing balances 68,229 65.750 23,344 13,439 Opening balances 65.750 23.344 13,439 12,251 The goodwill relates to the purchase price for taking over the merchandising activities which used to be exploited by a third party. The movements during the financial year were as follows: December 31, 1997 June 30, 1997 June 30, 1996 June 30, 1995 NLG '000 NLG 'ooo NLG '000 NLG '000 Opening balances 473 Acquisition of goodwill - 526 Depreciation (53) (53) Closing balances 420 473 The depreciation rate used is 20% per annum.


Jaarverslagen Ajax NV (vanaf 1997) | 1998 | | pagina 63