Allocation Date
De ArenA
Articles of Association
Board of Directors
Champions league
Executive Board
First Division
Football Club
Global Coordinator
Golden Share
Ordinary Shares
The Company and/or one or more of its group companies
and/or the Association, depending on the context.
The first day of trading after the closing of the subscription
period, on which the Ordinary Shares will be allocated,
expected to be on May 11, 1998.
The stadium, called the Amsterdam ArenA, where Ajax's first
team plays its home matches.
The Articles of Association of the Company as included in
the memorandum of association that was drawn up on
May 1, 1998.
Vereniging Amsterdamsche Football Club 'AJAX'.
The Board of Directors of the Company.
European league, organised by the UEFA. Formerly known as
European Cup, a competition between National Champions of
the highest professional football competitions of the previous
AFC Ajax NV, and all its connected group companies, as the
context requires.
The statutory board of the Company
Eredivisie N.V.
Fédération Internationale de Football Association, the world
football association
The highest but one football division in the Netherlands, after
the 'Premier Division', currently called 'Toto Divisie'.
Professional football organisation of which the first team
plays in a competition that is organised by a national football
ABN AMRO Rothschild.
Share in the Company, held by the Association, which gives it
voting rights for approval of fundamental changes in the
structure of the Company made by the Executive Board. See
'Description of Share Capital, Shares and Corporate Structure'.
The Royal Dutch football association.
Dutch guilders.
The Ordinary Shares to bearer with a nominal value of NLG 1
each in the share capital of the Company.
The offering of Ordinary Shares by the Company as described
in this Prospectus.
Payment Date
The fourth trading day after the closing of the subscription
period, expected to be May 14, 1998.