Historical summary 1994/1995 up to and including 1997/1998 January 1, 1998/ June 30, 1998 Pro forma 1997/1998 Pro forma 1996/1997 Pro forma 1995/1996 Pro forma 1994/1995 Results (x NLG 1,000) Net turnover 38 827 85 637 Operating result before depreciation transfer and signing on fees and players'result (8 070) (12 683) Depreciation transfer and signing on fees and players' result (9 776) 1 007 Operating result after depreciation transfer and signing on fees and players' result (17 846) (11 676) Result from ordinary activities before taxation (16 445) (7 932) Net result after taxation (10 861) (5 426) Depreciation of tangible fixed assets and goodwill 2 010 3 705 Depreciation transfer and siging on fees 9297 19431 Cashflow 446 17 710 Dividend 90 665 14 911 694 15 605 20 431 1.2 889 2 054 10 643 25 586 64 642 18 774 1 755 20 529 23 797 28 414 1 968 5 008 35 390 57 459 17 921 2 450 20 371 22 786 14544 1 928 6 459 22 931 Equity (x NLG 1,000) Fixed assets Current assets Current liabilities Shareholders' equity Total equity 134 304 163 413 61 629 230 312 297 717 134 304 163 413 61 629 230 312 297 717 117 616 86 922 82 788 118 948 204 538 43 516 96 416 33 873 106 059 139 932 21 515 69 396 13 266 77 645 90 911 Personnel (number) Number of staff as of June 30 117 117 98 68 65 Shares number) Number of shares as of June 30 18 333 333 18 333 333 Per-share information (NLG 1 nominal each) (x NLG 1) Net result after taxation (0,59) Cash flow 0,02 Dividend Shareholders'equity 12,56 (0,30) 0,97 12,56 Key figures (in Operating result before depreciation transfer and signing on fees and players' result/net turnover Operating result after depreciation transfer and signing on fees and players' result/net turnover Net result after taxation/net turnover Net result after taxation/average shareholders' equity Net result after taxation/total equity Current assets/current liabilities Shareholders' equity/total equity (20,8) (46,0) (28,0) (6,1) (3,6) 265,2 77,4 (14,8) (13,6) (6,3) (3,1) (1.8) .265,2 77,4 16,5 17,2 14,2 11,5 6,3 105,0 58,2 29,0 31.8 44,0 30.9 20,3 284,6 75,8 31,2 35,5 25.3 20,7 16,0 523,1 85.4 35


Jaarverslagen Ajax NV (vanaf 1997) | 1997 | | pagina 110