Appropriation of result according to the articles of association
Article 30 of the articles of association reads as follows:
la Where possible, the profit, i.e. the positive balance of the profit and loss account, earned in the most recently
expired reporting year, is first used to distribute a dividend on the golden share in the sum of six percent (6%)
of the nominal amount and a dividend on each preference share, the extent andor adoption method of
which is determined by the competent issuing body designated at the time of the issue of the preference
share. At the time of the adoption, account may be taken of the share premium paid up on the preference
shares of the share class in question;
lb If the profit does not allow for full or partial dividend distribution as referred to above over any reporting
year, the General Management, after having obtained the approval of the Supervisory Board, may
distribute the deficit and charge it against the reserves available for free distribution. If the General
Management does not resolve so, the deficit is distributed and charged against the profits of the following
years. In that case, the overdue dividend accruing to the holder of the golden share is distributed first where
possible, followed by the overdue dividend accruing to the holders of preference shares, after which the divi
dend accruing to them for the most recently elapsed financial year is distributed to them.
2 After having obtained the approval of the Supervisory Board, the General Management annually determines
which part of the distributable profit remaining after application of paragraph 1 will be reserved.
3 The profit remaining after distributions on the golden share and the preference shares and reservations is at
the disposal of the general meeting.
4 At the instigation of the General Management and with the approval of the Supervisory Board, the general
meeting may resolve to make distributions to holders of ordinary shares and to charge these against the distri
butable part of shareholders' equity.
5 Total annual distributions on the golden share and the preference shares may not exceed the dividend
distributed on these shares pursuant to paragraph 1 if the profit is sufficiently large, subject to the provisions
of Article 11paragraph 4*.
6 The General Management may resolve to distribute interim dividend. The resolution to do so is subject to
the approval of the Supervisory Board.
7 The General Management may resolve to make full or partial distributions in company shares or in deposi
tary receipts for shares, rather than in cash. The resolution to this effect is subject to the approval of the
Supervisory Board.
8 In addition, distributions to shareholders are governed by the provisions of Articles 103, 104 and 105,
Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
Redemption of preference shares. Preference shares have not been issued at this time.